Message from Yorba Linda Pharmacy

Per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), older adults and people with medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, etc. are more likely than others to become severely ill, and might need to take extra precaution against coronavirus (COVID-19).

Therefore, as of March 2020, Yorba Linda Pharmacy has consciously decided to postpone any in-person trainings, cycle checks, and med-room audit services until further notice, in order to protect our elderly population, facility staff, and pharmacy staff from any possibility of COVID-19 exposure. However, virtual trainings and classes are still being offered via Zoom.

Additionally, we are also limiting all deliveries to curbside deliveries only. Our drivers will not be asking for any signatures as proof of delivery at this time. Rather, we will only need the name of the recipient to record on our delivery logs.

We hope you understand the precautionary steps we are taking to ensure the health and safety of our residents and staff.

As always, we thank you for your unwavering support.